A U G U S T - Sun in Leo/ Sun in Virgo – Zodiac Coffee Roasters

A U G U S T - Sun in Leo/ Sun in Virgo

Happy birthday, August Virgos! The month begins with the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Virgo, which turns retrograde on August 12th. Before this happens, however, you may find it unusually easy to put across your point of view. Conversations will increase, and ideas will whiz back and forth, but be sure that you’re really listening. Once retrograde begins, miscommunications may become commonplace, especially if they have to do with verbalizing your true feelings for the first time. The Sun-retrograde Saturn square will make things feel especially difficult, and you will feel personally restricted or imprisoned in some way. This is especially true mid-September Virgos, who may feel this the hardest. The sextile with Cancer Venus gives you the opportunity to work your way out of a rut, but only if you engage. Cancer’s energy tends to play close to the chest, so you may not exactly be hang-gliding your way into fun.  Take little emotional detours instead by seeing movies, inviting friends over to catch up, or taking care of your body with massage or an ocean swim. The waxing crescent Moon in Virgo (August 22 & 23) would be an especially good time for this. Sagittarius Saturn goes direct on August 25th, which helps only slightly. The opposition with retrograde Neptune in Pisces may leave you feeling a bit bewildered and uncertain, although not without reasonable powers of perception. Try to simply avoid confrontation if you can; don’t make any negotiations or commitments, either. With a trine from retrograde Capricorn Pluto comes depth of feeling and power. While you’re busy enjoying the aforementioned emotional detours, listen to what motivates you and what changes you could make.

Y O U R    B L E N D    T H I S    M O N T H


The Venus in Cancer (a water sign) is the best thing for smoothing rough edges this August.